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Hermelin Quintao Esmalla

Hermelin is from Negros Occidental, she came to Hong Kong in 2012 leaving her work as an Elementary Teacher 1 in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. A nature lover and a hiker she embarked on different hikes in Hong Kong, apart from her passion for singing. “I love the outdoors, the mountains and most especially the adrenaline rush of climbing up,” she said. Adding to this, during the height of the pandemic in 2021,I joined tag rugby in the women's category which is composed of Filipinos and touch rugby with mixed race.

But, I was looking for more, I needed adventure, so I joined dragon boat sport. I found new friends and we created our own team we called Pinay Tribe as paddlers, and later became a member of the popular paddlers team the Dynamo.  

Apart from these energy boosting activities, I also love doing embroidery, mostly creating flowers on fabrics. It's good for mental health too, especially during down time.

I found more inspiration with these outdoor activities specially during this pandemic time. Leaving my painting skills in the closet for a while, but I know I will pick up my brushes and paints in the future. 
“I am a member of Guhit Kulay and I am grateful to be part of this group where everyone can share their works. I truly believe that empowering each other is key to improve and widen your horizon and hopefully find success,” she said.


Herme's Acrylic Work

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Herme's Followers and Friends

Some of her paintings are now hanging in her friends home.

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